递归神经网络(Recurrent Neural Network, RNN)是一种专门处理序列的神经网络。它们通常用于自然语言处理(NLP) 任务,因为RNN在处理文本方面非常有效。





  • 固定大小的输入到固定大小的输出(例如图像分类)。
  • 序列输出(例如,从图像字幕生成)。
  • 序列输入(例如,句子情感分析)。
  • 序列输入和序列输出(例如机器翻译)。
  • 同步序列输入和输出(例如,视频分类)



如果使用一个“多对一”的RNN,来进行情感分析,即输入词向量 x0,x1,...,xny\ x_0,x_1,...,x_n,获得y属于正向\负向情感的概率




  • 下一个隐藏状态是使用上一个隐藏状态和下一个输入决定的

     ht=tanh(Wxhxt+Whhht1+bh)\ h_t=tanh(W_{xh}x_t+W_{hh}h_{t-1}+b_h),式子中使用了tanh作为激活函数

  • 输出向量yh所决定

     yt=Whtht+by\ y_t=W_{ht}h_t+b_y

其中, Wxh\ W_{xh}为用来链接** xh\ x→h的权重, Whh\ W_{hh}用来链接 hnhn+1\ h_n→h_{n+1}的权重, Why\ W_{hy}用来链接 htyt\ h_t→y_t** 的权重,

 bh\ b_{h}用来链接 xh\ x→h的偏差, by\ b_{y}用来链接  hy\ h→y 的偏差





(1)Lyi={softmax(yi),icsoftmax(yi)1,i=c\frac{∂L}{∂y_i}=\begin{cases} softmax(y_i),\quad i\neq c\\ softmax(y_i)-1, \quad i=c \end{cases} \tag{1}

例如,如 softmax(y) = [0.2,0.2,0.6],正确的类别为 0 ,那么对L求导得到:[-0.8, 0.2, 0.6]



(2)LWhy=LyyWhy=Lyhn\frac{∂L}{∂W_{hy}}=\frac{∂L}{∂y}*\frac{∂y}{∂W_{hy}}=\frac{∂L}{∂y}*h_n \tag {2}

(3)Lbhy=Lyyby=Ly\frac{∂L}{∂b_{hy}}=\frac{∂L}{∂y}*\frac{∂y}{∂b_{y}}=\frac{∂L}{∂y}\tag {3}

因为变化 Wxh\ W_{xh}会影响每一个 hn\ h_n,这都会影响最终的损失函数,因此我们需要将每个时间的梯度都计算出来然后加起来,作为每次 Wxh\ W_{xh}更新的梯度值,这称为时序反向传播算法(BPTT)


(4)LWxh=LytyhthtWxh\frac{∂L}{∂W_{xh}}=\frac{∂L}{∂y}\sum_t\frac{∂y}{∂h_t}*\frac{∂h_t}{∂W_{xh}} \tag 4

(5)htWxh= ht(Wxhxt+Whhht1+bh)(Wxhxt+Whhht1+bh)Wxh=(1tanh2(Wxhxt+Whhht1+bh))xt=(1ht2)xt\frac{∂h_t}{∂W_{xh}} =\frac{∂\ h_t}{∂(W_{xh}x_t+W_{hh}h_{t-1}+b_h)}*\frac{∂(W_{xh}x_t+W_{hh}h_{t-1}+b_h)}{∂W_{xh}}\\ =(1-tanh^2(W_{xh}x_t+W_{hh}h_{t-1}+b_h))*x_t\\ =(1-h_t^2)x_t \tag {5}


(6)htWhh=(1ht2)ht1\frac{∂h_t}{∂W_{hh}}=(1-h_t^2)h_{t-1} \tag 6

(7)htbh=(1ht2)\frac{∂h_t}{∂b_{h}}=(1-h_t^2) \tag7

(8)yht={yht+1(1ht2)WhhtnWhyt=n\frac{∂y}{∂h_{t}}=\begin{cases} \frac{∂y}{∂h_{t+1}}*(1-h_t^2)W_{hh} \quad t\neq n\\ W_{hy}\quad t=n \end{cases} \tag 8

联合①⑤⑧得到 L/Wxh\ {∂L}/{∂W_{xh}}

联合①⑥⑧得到 L/Whh\ {∂L}/{∂W_{hh}}

联合①⑦⑧得到 L/bh\ {∂L}/{∂b_{h}}



Whh=WhhμLWhhWxh=WxhμLWxhWhy=WhyμLWhybh=bhμLbhby=byμLbyW_{hh}= W_{hh}-\mu\frac{∂L}{∂W_{hh}}\\ W_{xh}= W_{xh}-\mu\frac{∂L}{∂W_{xh}}\\ W_{hy}= W_{hy}-\mu\frac{∂L}{∂W_{hy}}\\ b_{h}= b_{h}-\mu\frac{∂L}{∂b_{h}}\\ b_{y}= b_{y}-\mu\frac{∂L}{∂b_{y}}\\


# This is a simple demo for using RNN to predict the phrases sentiment in the dataset.
import numpy as np
from database import test_data, train_data
from numpy import random

Dimension of vector:

class RNN:
    def __init__(self, input_size, output_size, hidden_size=64):
        # Define hidden layer has 64 neurons
        self.Whh = random.randn(hidden_size, hidden_size) / 1000
        self.Wxh = random.randn(hidden_size, input_size) / 1000
        self.Why = random.randn(output_size, hidden_size) / 1000
        self.bh = np.zeros((hidden_size, 1))
        self.by = np.zeros((output_size, 1))
        self.last_hs = {}
        self.last_inputs = []

    def forward(self, inputs):
        h = np.zeros((self.Whh.shape[0], 1))
        self.last_inputs = inputs
        self.last_hs = {0: h}
        for i, x in enumerate(inputs):
            h = np.tanh(self.Wxh @ x + self.Whh @ h + self.bh)
            self.last_hs[i + 1] = h
        # enumerate:枚举  @:矩阵的乘法
        y = self.Why @ h + self.by
        return y

    def backprop(self, d_y, learn_rate=2e-2):
        n = len(self.last_inputs)
        d_Why = d_y @ self.last_hs[n].T
        d_Whh = np.zeros(self.Whh.shape)
        d_Wxh = np.zeros(self.Wxh.shape)
        d_bh = np.zeros(self.bh.shape)
        d_by = d_y
        # Calculate dL/dh for the last h.
        d_h = self.Why.T @ d_y
        for t in reversed(range(n)):
            temp = ((1 - self.last_hs[t + 1] ** 2) * d_h)
            d_bh += temp
            d_Whh += temp @ self.last_hs[t].T
            d_Wxh += temp @ self.last_inputs[t].T
            d_h = self.Whh @ temp
        # Make the values between -1 and 1
        for d in [d_Wxh, d_Whh, d_Why, d_bh, d_by]:
            np.clip(d, -1, 1, out=d)
        # Using gradient descent to update the weights and biases
        self.Whh -= learn_rate * d_Whh
        self.Wxh -= learn_rate * d_Wxh
        self.Why -= learn_rate * d_Why
        self.bh -= learn_rate * d_bh
        self.by -= learn_rate * d_by

def softMax(x):
    return np.exp(x) / sum(np.exp(x))

def createInputs(text):
    # Returns one-hot vectors representing the words in the input text

    inputs = []
    for w in text.split(' '):
        v = np.zeros((vocab_size, 1))
        v[word_to_idx[w]] = 1
    return inputs

def processData(data, backprop=True):
    items = list(data.items())
    random.shuffle(items)  # shuffle:random arrangement the order of the list
    loss = 0
    num_correct = 0
    for x, y in items:
        inputs = createInputs(x)
        target = int(y)
        out = rnn.forward(inputs)
        prob = softMax(out)
        loss += (-np.log(prob[target]))
        num_correct += int(np.argmax(prob) == target)  # argmax :index of the max value
        if backprop:
            # get DL\Dy
            d_y = prob
            d_y[target] -= 1

    return loss / len(data), num_correct / len(data)

if __name__ == '__main__':
    # Generate "one-hot" word vector
    vocab = list(set([w for text in train_data.keys() for w in text.split(' ')]))
    vocab_size = len(vocab)
    word_to_idx = {w: i for i, w in enumerate(vocab)}
    idx_to_word = {i: w for i, w in enumerate(vocab)}
    # Generate rnn
    rnn = RNN(input_size=len(vocab), output_size=2)
    print("负情感" if np.argmax(softMax(rnn.forward(createInputs("i am not earlier")))) == 0 else "正情感")
    for epoch in range(1000):
        train_loss, train_acc = processData(train_data)
        if epoch % 100 == 99:
            print(f'--- Epoch {epoch + 1}')
            print(f'Train Loss: {np.round(train_loss, 3)} | Accuracy: {np.round(train_acc, 3)}')
            test_loss, test_acc = processData(test_data, backprop=False)
            print(f'Test Loss: {np.round(test_loss, 3)} | Accuracy: {np.round(test_acc, 3)}')
    print("负情感"if np.argmax(softMax(rnn.forward(createInputs("i am not earlier"))))==0 else "正情感")


train_data = {
  'good': True,
  'bad': False,
  'happy': True,
  'sad': False,
  'not good': False,
  'not bad': True,
  'not happy': False,
  'not sad': True,
  'very good': True,
  'very bad': False,
  'very happy': True,
  'very sad': False,
  'i am happy': True,
  'this is good': True,
  'i am bad': False,
  'this is bad': False,
  'i am sad': False,
  'this is sad': False,
  'i am not happy': False,
  'this is not good': False,
  'i am not bad': True,
  'this is not sad': True,
  'i am very happy': True,
  'this is very good': True,
  'i am very bad': False,
  'this is very sad': False,
  'this is very happy': True,
  'i am good not bad': True,
  'this is good not bad': True,
  'i am bad not good': False,
  'i am good and happy': True,
  'this is not good and not happy': False,
  'i am not at all good': False,
  'i am not at all bad': True,
  'i am not at all happy': False,
  'this is not at all sad': True,
  'this is not at all happy': False,
  'i am good right now': True,
  'i am bad right now': False,
  'this is bad right now': False,
  'i am sad right now': False,
  'i was good earlier': True,
  'i was happy earlier': True,
  'i was bad earlier': False,
  'i was sad earlier': False,
  'i am very bad right now': False,
  'this is very good right now': True,
  'this is very sad right now': False,
  'this was bad earlier': False,
  'this was very good earlier': True,
  'this was very bad earlier': False,
  'this was very happy earlier': True,
  'this was very sad earlier': False,
  'i was good and not bad earlier': True,
  'i was not good and not happy earlier': False,
  'i am not at all bad or sad right now': True,
  'i am not at all good or happy right now': False,
  'this was not happy and not good earlier': False,

test_data = {
  'this is happy': True,
  'i am good': True,
  'this is not happy': False,
  'i am not good': False,
  'this is not bad': True,
  'i am not sad': True,
  'i am very good': True,
  'this is very bad': False,
  'i am very sad': False,
  'this is bad not good': False,
  'this is good and happy': True,
  'i am not good and not happy': False,
  'i am not at all sad': True,
  'this is not at all good': False,
  'this is not at all bad': True,
  'this is good right now': True,
  'this is sad right now': False,
  'this is very bad right now': False,
  'this was good earlier': True,
  'i was not happy and not good earlier': False,


--- Epoch 100
Train Loss: [0.688] | Accuracy: 0.552
Test Loss: [0.699] | Accuracy: 0.5
--- Epoch 1000
Train Loss: [0.002] | Accuracy: 1.0
Test Loss: [0.004] | Accuracy: 1.0
